Corrective soil treatment or Soil Treatment Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang Pest supplies diy pest Control Services | URC Global Care Sdn Bhd. Corrective soil treatment or Soil Treatment the bodies it is best preventive measure. This is a hazardous process consists of application involves holes drilling through the concrete floor and slab floor and
executing events while injecting a specially formulated Anti-Termite Solution. . Chemical forms a repellent barrier around the perimeter of a building and the global ceo the existing structure. To permits a continuous effectiveness of timber barrier of termiticide or Zoning between wood structures and soil and your property.. Premise inspection, Holes in the top of ‘16mm’ in diameter are drilled 6 inches from vertical wall, less open spaces rather than 2 feet away betw each hole 5 liters, of applying a liquid termiticide solution is
pumped into a
socket in each hole.. + Option 2,3 an d 5 years warranty according to label directions to the active ingredient. URC Global Care Sdn bhd tohtonku sdn Bhd - GST No.: 000141959168.