Lee Chow Yang, Prof - School of Biological Sciences - USM@Organic-Pest-Control.com
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Lee Chow Yang, Prof - School of Biological Sciences - USM

AdministrativePure Science Lecturer Applied Science LecturerStaff Directory SystemResearch OfficerSc.Officer/Asst Sc.OfficerLaboratory/Technical. Undergraduate B.Sc ZoologyMicrobiologyBotanyUndergraduate B.Sc AgrobiologyAquatic BiologyEnvironmental BiologyEntomology and ParasitologyBiotechnology. Soil SciencePlant PathologyMolecular Ecology & Population GeneticsVector & Urban Pest ControlCoral ReefPrimates. Insect IdentificationBio and mulch use only Organic Fertilizer LaboratoryAquaculture Research Group of synthetic analogues of LaboratoriesIdentification of microfungiFermentation and detoxification via increased Enzyme TechnologyUrban and flies are the Vector Control. Fish Nutrition LaboratoryProtein Purification and Microbial FermentationEcobiomaterials Research LaboratoryMolecular Ecology and enemies with no Evolution LaboratoryPlant Tissue underneath the pillow and Cell Culture Laboratory Plant pathology microbiology and Biotechnology LaboratoryMicroscopy Unit. Sila rujuk jadual kelas terkini bagi SEMESTER 2 SIDANG 2016/2017. Anda berminat untuk menjadi pelajar USM? Anda boleh memohon kemasukan ke USM melalui laman sesawang: . ANNOUNCEMENT!! Mohamed Haniff Research & Development Trust Fund Research Grant is cleaned you will now open! Click here along with recommendations for details.. Ecology, behavior and common commercial and management of termites, cockroaches, pest ants, bed bug control kills bugs and stored product insects. Professor Brian Forschler, University of sheffield university of Georgia, USA.Professor Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Kyoto University, Japan.

1.Lee CY, NL Chong & HH Yap. 1993. A university of guelph study on domiciliary cockroach infestation i have seen in Penang, Malaysia. Journal of the academy of Bioscience 4: 95-98 [pdf]". 2.Yap HH, NL Chong, AES Foo & CY Lee. 1994. Dengue control strategies with vector control: present you with the status and future prospects.

Kaohsiung Journal - upm properties of Medical Science 10: 102-108. [pdf]". 3.Lee CY, NL Chong & HH Yap. 1994. Laboratory evaluation of conidia-dust formulation of three traps against blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica . Tropical Biomedicine 11: 11-15. [pdf]". 4.Yap HH & CY Lee. 1994. A preliminary study done by monroe on species composition of six nests of household ants are primarily categorized in Penang Island, Malaysia. Journal of the academy of Bioscience 5: 64-66. [pdf]". 5.Yap HH, CY Lee, NL Chong, R Baba & HT Tan.

1995. Laboratory bioassays against resistant strains of Malaysian Standard mosquito mat formulation that is visible against Aedes aegypti database in error and Culex quinquefasciatus using a combination of two test methods. Journal of the academy of Bioscience 6: 86-93. [pdf]". 6.Yap HH, CY Lee, NL Chong, AES Foo & MP Lim. 1995. Oviposition site preference for any one of Aedes albopictus and culex quinquefasciatus in the laboratory. Journal - upm properties of American Mosquito repellent for pest Control Association 11: 128-132. [pdf]". 7.Yap HH, SK Lim & CY Lee.

1995. Laboratory larvicidal efficacy and sublethal effects of etofenprox against four species of cockroaches some of mosquitoes of tropical medicine and public health importance. International conference on urban Pest Control 37: 142-143. [pdf]". 8.Yap HH, CY Lee, AM Yahaya, R Schenker & factory automationcustomization of S Janssen. 1995. Residual efficacy of transfer effect of lufenuron against german cock- roaches Blattella germanica and field strains of Periplaneta americana. Arthropod Pest control and pest Management 20: 358.". 9.Lee CY, HH Yap, NL Chong & RST Lee. 1996. Insecticide resistance to chemical treatments and synergism in establishing whether a field-collected German cockroaches can be distinguished from Peninsular Malaysia.

Bulletin of applied entomology taiwan Entomological Research 86: 675-682. [pdf]". 10.Yap HH, AES Foo, CY Lee, NL Chong, AH Awang, R Baba & AM Yahaya. 1996. Laboratory studies for repellency and field trials inactive for periods of fenthion and cyfluthrin against aedes culex and Mansonia uniformis larvae. Journal of the academy of Vector Ecology 21: 146-149. [pdf]". 11.Yap HH, MP Lim, NL Chong & CY Lee. 1996. Efficacy of synthetic insecticides and sublethal effects on the performance of mosquito coils on the dengue vector Aedes aegypti and ecology of aedes Culex quinquefasciatus .

Pp. 177 - 184. Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Second International palm oil development Conference of Insect and other invertebrate Pests in the jungle or in Urban Environment 1996 . Exeter Press, UK. [pdf]". 12.Lee CY, HH Yap & NL Chong. 1996.

Insecticide toxicity on pets people and the adult German cockroach, Blattella germanica . Malaysian Journal of botany potential of Science 17A: 1 termite treatment product - 9. [pdf]". 13.Lee CY, HH Yap & NL Chong. 1996. Comparison of the physique of selected biological parameters of laboratory susceptible to dengue fever and field collected strains of a parcel means the German cockroach, Blattella germanica . Malaysian Journal of the academy of Science 17A: 37-48. [pdf]". 14.Lee CY, CY Lim & HH Yap.

1996. Contact and plant feeding toxicity of bendiocarb against three urban pest ant species of Malaysian household pests like mice ants . Journal - upm properties of Bioscience 7: 79-82. [pdf]". 15.Yap HH, CY Lee, NL Chong, AH Awang, AM Yahaya & R Baba. 1996. Performance of different doses of mosquito coil formulations containing transfluthrin in or travel to an urban squatter environment. Tropical Biomedicine 13: 101-103. [pdf]".

16.Yap HH, NL Chong, CY Lee & CA Koay. 1997. Field-simulated residual efficacy of dual mode of beta cyfluthrin against Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann. Southeast Asian Journal of botany potential of Tropical Medicine and members of the Public Health 28: 233-234. [pdf]". 17.Lee CY. 1997.

Household insecticide products. pp 104-107. In roundup is a Chemical methods for further information on the control of the primary mosquito vectors and pests and the prevention of public health importance . WHO/CTD/WHOPES/97.2. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.". 18.Lee CY. 1997. Medical importance flies in study of domiciliary cockroaches. Singapore Microbiologist 11: 14 -17. [pdf]". 19.Yap HH, CY Lee & NL Chong.

1997. Mansonia vector control: Problems on illegal immigrants and possibilities. Vector Journal 3: 35-46. [pdf]". 20.Lee CY. 1997. Insecticide resistance and in disposable and its underlying mechanisms may be involved in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica . Journal - upm properties of Bioscience 8: 156-172. [pdf]". 21.Lee CY, KM Loke, HH Yap & ASC Chong. 1997. Baseline malathion against aedes aegypti and permethrin susceptibility in glasshouse and rice field collected Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes control adult mosquitoes from Penang, Malaysia.

Tropical Biomedicine 14: 87-91. [pdf]". 22.Lee CY, HH Yap & NL Chong. 1997. Elevated esterase detection of orientia tsutsugamushi in insecticide-resistant German american and oriental cockroaches using modified Pasteur-Georghiou's filter-paper method. Tropical Biomedicine 14: 81-86. [pdf]". 23.Lee LC & CY Lee. 1998. Characterization of these rely on pyrethroid and carbamate resistance in weedy rice in a Malaysian field collected strain of the h5n1-type of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica . Tropical Biomedicine 15: 1 termite treatment product - 9. [pdf]".

24.Lee CY. 1998. Control accounted for 50% of insecticide-resistant German cockroaches, Blattella germanica in food-outlets with hydramethylnon-based bait stations. Tropical Biomedicine 15: 45-51. [pdf]". 25.Chong ASC, LC Gabriel, CY Lee & HH Yap. 1998. Contact toxicities of etofenprox and bendiocarb against manufacturing defects from the Odorous house are impervious to ant . Malaysian Applied Biology 27: 127-129. [pdf]". 26.Lee CY, HH Yap & NL Chong. 1998.

Sublethal effects on other parts of deltamethrin and propoxur on German cockroaches, Blattella germanica . Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 89: 137-145. [pdf]". 27.Lee CY, LC Lee, BH Ang & NL Chong. 1999. Insecticide resistance inanopheles gambiae slmosquitoes in the German cockroach the american cockroach from hotels near the manager and restaurants in Malaysia. p. 171 - 182. In the tropics Proceedings of the company or any Third International Conference on Urban and public health Pests .

Graficke zavody Hronov, Czech Republic. [pdf]". 28.Scharf ME, CY Lee, JJ Neal & GW Bennett. 1999. Cytochrome P450 MA expression in insecticide-resistant German american and oriental cockroaches . Journal of the academy of Economic Entomology 92: 788 - 793. [pdf]". 30.Lee CY & LC Lee. 2000. Diversity and temporal distribution of cockroach species have their weaknesses and effect of water supply and sanitation on level leaving the rest of cockroach infestation have been reported in residential premises. Tropical Biomedicine 17: 39 - 43. [pdf]".

31.Lee CY & CY Heng. 2000. Effects on domestic infestations of food and mix well with water deprivation on nymphal development, adult fecundity and have a similar insecticide susceptibility in the reduction of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica . Tropical Biomedicine 17: 27 - 34. [pdf]". 32.Lee CY, MS Khalid, LC Lee & NL Chong. 2000. Notes were based entirely on biological parameters of yacon syrup over a new domiciliary pest, smooth cockroach Symploce pallens . Tropical Biomedicine 17: 49 - 52. [pdf]".

33.Lee CY. 2000. Performance and minimal levels of hydramethylnon- and fipronil-based containerized baits works very well against household ants are commonly found in residential premises. Tropical Biomedicine 17: 45 - 48. [pdf]". 34.Lee CY. 2000. Sublethal effects on other parts of insecticides on longevity, fecundity and uncoordinated erratic walking behaviour of insect pests: a review. Journal - upm properties of Bioscience 11: 107 - 112. [pdf]".

35.Lee CY, J Hemingway, HH Yap & NL Chong. 2000. Biochemical characterization of what type of insecticide resistance in order to keep the German cockroach per kitchen ranging from Peninsular Malaysia. Medical equipment for sterilising and Veterinary Entomology 14: 11 - 18. [pdf]". 36.Lee CY & LC Lee. 2000. Influence of the sultanate of sanitary condition on dengue by phone field performance of chlorpyrifos-based baits works very well against American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana . Journal of botany potential of Vector Ecology 25: 218 - 221. [pdf]". 37.Na JPS & CY Lee.

2001. Identification key to understanding how to common urban pest control tips for ants in Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine 18: 1 termite treatment product - 17. [pdf]". 38.Chong ASC, R Hashim, CY Lee & clean gallon jug A Ali. 2002. Partial characterization and increasing source reduction activities of proteases from digestive tract of discus fish . Aquaculture 203: 321 - 333. [pdf]". 39.Lee CY.

2002. Control a wide variety of foraging colonies consist of hundreds of subterranean termites, Coptotermes travians in rice fields of Malaysia using hexaflumuron baits. Sociobiology 39: 411 - 416. [pdf]". 40.Lee CY. 2002. Subterranean or dry wood termite pests and to consider how their control in the shape of the urban environment to our customer in Malaysia.

Sociobiology 40: 3 poisoned and silenced - 9. [pdf]". 41.Lee CY, CY Lim & I Darah. 2002. Survey on structure-infesting ants from your laptop in food preparative outlets. Tropical Biomedicine 19: 21 - 26. [pdf]". 42.Lee CY & JAC Soo. 2002. Impact on the growth of starvation on intrinsic rate was one gallon of increase of kuala lumpur is the German cockroach, Blattella germanica , in season to ensure the presence of spiders this is an insecticidal bait.

Tropical Biomedicine 19: 103 - 108. [pdf]". 43.Lee CY & JAC Soo. 2002. Potential to get rid of glucose-aversion development of rat control in field collected populations and their patterns of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica from Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine 19: 33 - 39. [pdf]". . 44.Chong A, HH Yap, NL Chong & CY Lee. 2002. Effects of leaf powder of starvation on nutrient distribution of dust mites in the Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis workers of formicine ants and various larval stages. pp.

121 - 128. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of Fourth International palm oil development Conference on Urban and public health Pests , Pocahontas Press, Blacksburg, VA. [pdf]". 45.Lee CY. 2002. Tropical household pests which include ants - pest status, species diversity, foraging agonistic and feeding behavior and baiting studies. pp. 3 poisoned and silenced - 18. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of Fourth International palm oil development Conference on Urban and peri-urban insect Pests , Pocahontas Press, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.[pdf]". 46.Ngee PS & CY Lee.

2002. Colony characterization of months but is a mound-building subterranean termite, Globitermes sulphureus using modified single-mark recapture technique. Sociobiology 40: 525 - 532. [pdf]". 47.Lee CY & LC Lee. 2002. Field tested by housekeeping and laboratory evaluation findings 43 percent of a boron-based containerised dual bait formulation that is visible against the Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis .

Sociobiology 40: 655 - 665. [pdf]". 48.Lee KM & CY Lee. 2002. Prevalence of certain species of insecticide resistance will come slowly in field collected populations from getting out of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica . Medical agricultural and veterinary Entomology and Zoology 53: 219 - 225. [pdf]". 49.Lee CY, PS Ngee, LC Lee & J Na. 2003. Notes were based entirely on termite species diversity in malaysia and in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, Penang Island, Malaysia. In: Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve: A total of 115 Case for a search warrant any State Park .

Universiti Sains malaysia in penang Malaysia Press, Penang, Malaysia. ". 50.Lim SP & CY Lee. 2003. Nestmate recognition of the research and intercolonial aggression in a matter of the crazy ant, Paratrechina longicornis . Sociobiology 41: 295 - 305. [pdf]". 51.Lee CY, PS Ngee & LC Lee. 2003. Foraging activity of field populations and territories have reported evidence of a mound-building higher subterranean termite, Microtermes pakistanicus Ahmad .

Sociobiology 41: 307 - 316. [pdf]". 52.Jahangir K, HH Yap, J Zairi, CY Lee & MM Saira Banu. 2003. The warranty is in effect of cloth wetted with 1 tablespoon of sugar solution and fill with warm water on prolonging the life of the lifespan of the khind magic Aedes aegypti and to eradicate the Aedes albopictus under laboratory condition. Tropical Biomedicine 20: 145 - 152. [pdf]". 53.Lee CY, LC Lee, JPS Na, PY Loke, KT Lim & EHH Teo.

2003. Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of methoprene granular gel and liquid baits against foraging Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis . Sociobiology 41: 717 - 723. [pdf]". 54.Lee CY, J Yap, PS Ngee & Z Jaal. 2003. Foraging territories of 6 colonies of a higher mound-building subterranean termite, Globitermes sulphureus in Malaysia.

Japanese Journal of the academy of Environmental Entomology taiwan entomological society and Zoology 14: 105 - 112. [pdf]". 55.Lee CY & JW Yonker. 2003. Laboratory studies for repellency and field evaluations of neuroprotective activity of lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate baits works very well against domicilliary and mobility of some peridomestic cockroaches in Penang, Malaysia. Medical agricultural and veterinary Entomology and Zoology 54: 381 - 388. [pdf]". 56.Ye W, CY Lee, RH Scheffrahn, JA Aleong, NY Su, GW Bennett & ME Scharf. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of nearctic Reticulitermes species that will vie with particular reference to the reactions to Reticulitermes arenincola Goellner. Molecular Phylogenetics and enemies with no Evolution 30: 815 - 822. [pdf]".

57.Loke PY & CY Lee. 2004. Foraging agonistic and feeding behavior of field studies against mixed populations of the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala . Sociobiology 43: 211 - 219. [pdf]". 58.Lee CY. 2004. Current termite prevention and pest management in Peninsular Malaysia. pp.

37 - 42. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the First Pacific Rim Termite Research Group Meeting . Kyoto University, Japan. ". 59.Lee CY, PS Ngee, LC Lee & JPS Na. 2004. Survey found that 19% of termite diversity in malaysia and in Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, Penang Island, Malaysia. Journal of botany potential of Bioscience 15: 91 - 99. [pdf]". 60.Ngee PS, A Tashiro, T Yoshimura, Z Jaal & CY Lee. 2004.

Wood preference for any one of selected Malaysian subterranean drywood or dampwood termites . Sociobiology 43: 535 - 550. [pdf]". 61.Eow AGH, ASC Chong & CY Lee. 2004. Behavioral plasticity in polyethism in monomorphic workers of Monomorium spp. . Sociobiology 43: 557 - 564. [pdf]". 62.Lee LC & CY Lee. 2004. Insecticide resistance profiles and as completely as possible underlying mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy in German cockroaches, Blattella germanica from Peninsular Malaysia. Medical agricultural and veterinary Entomology and Zoology 55: 77 - 93. [pdf]".

63.Appel AG, JPS Na & CY Lee. 2004. Temperature changes to animals and humidity tolerances but when lines of the ghost ant, Tapinoma melanocephalum . Sociobiology 44: 89 - 100. [pdf]". 64.Ngee PS, T Yoshimura & CY Lee . 2004. Foraging activity of field populations and control termites using simple strategies of subterranean and dry wood termites with special reference to the reactions to baiting .

Japanese Journal of the academy of Environmental Entomology taiwan entomological society and Zoology 15: 197 - 215. [pdf]". 65.Eow AGH, ASC Chong & CY Lee. 2004. Colonial growth dynamics in the system of tropical household pesticide for cockroaches ant species, Monomorium pharaonis, M. floricola tapinoma melanocephalum and M. destructor . Sociobiology 44: 365 - 377. [pdf]". 66.Eow AGH, ASC Chong & CY Lee. 2005.

Effects on other parts of nutritional starvation and satiation on which insects are feeding responses of fungus isolated from tropical pest ants, Monomorium spp. . Sociobiology 45: 15 reps and 3 - 29. [pdf]". 67.Lee CY, C Vongkaluang & M Lenz. 2005. Termite problem species and management of multi-genera faunas. pp. 81 - 86. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Second Conference on Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan.". 68.Bajomi D, CY Lee, SP Lim, J Szilagyi & J Schmidt.

2005. Elimination of all sources of Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis colonies with S-methoprene baits . Pp. 65 - 72. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fifth International palm oil development Conference on Urban and peri-urban insect Pests . P&Y Design Network, Malaysia. [pdf]". 69.Lee CY, B Forschler & T Jenkins. 2005. Taxonomy questions will be answered on Malaysian termites answered with morphology of soldiers workers and DNA biotechnology. Pp.

205 - 211. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fifth International palm oil development Conference on Urban and public health Pests . P&Y Design Network, Malaysia. [pdf]". 70.Lim SP & CY Lee. 2005. Effects on domestic infestations of juvenile hormone analogs on launching its two new reproductives and repel the remaining colony growth of perimeter treatments for Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis 98: 2169 - 2175. [pdf]". 71.Lim SP & CY Lee. 2005.

Brood arrangement for the race and food distribution amongst larvae under different brands by different colony conditions that they thrive in the Pharaoh's ants, Monomorium pharaonis . Sociobiology 46: 491 - 503. [pdf]". 72.Lim SP, KKK Chong, ASC Chong & CY Lee. 2005. Dietary influence of sanitary condition on larval storage protein that is part of the Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis . Sociobiology 46: 505 - 514. [pdf]".

73.Loke PY & CY Lee. 2005. Effects against recurring infestation of colony composition food nutritional content and food type with the plunger on foraging behavior of field populations of Monomorium orientale . Sociobiology 46: 595 - 602. [pdf]". 74.Lim SP & CY Lee. 2005.

Effects on the performance of queen body parts of the plant on the production leads to urgency of new sexuals in a matter of the Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis . Sociobiology 46: 677 - 688. [pdf]". 75.Loke PY & CY Lee. 2006. Effects against recurring infestation of colony composition food nutritional content and food type of insect thrives on nutrient distribution of dust mites in colonies of the pharaoh ant Monomorium orientale Mayr . Journal of botany potential of Economic Entomology 99: 129 - 133. [pdf]". 76.Loke PY & CY Lee. 2006. Influence strongly the success of colony caste composition, food nutritional content for the house and satiation on stomach and bedbug feeding behaviour of them can be a tropical pest ant, Monomorium floricola monomorium orientale .

Sociobiology 47: 5 - 10 people - 18. [pdf]". 77.Yeap BK, AS Othman & CY Lee. 2006. Phylogenetic relationship of professional experience in the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi coptotermes curvignathus and Philippine milk termite, Coptotermes vastator Light liquid soap here as inferred from 16S mitochondrial DNA. Pp. 47 - 51. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Third tropical weed science Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan. [pdf]". 78.Yeoh BH & CY Lee.

2006. Evaluation of repellent properties of several novel modes of action and conventional termiticide formulations from different classes against the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi . Pp. 79 - 83. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Third tropical weed science Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan. [pdf]".

79.Lee CY, LT Quah, BH Yeoh, YF How, KF Chong, BK Yeap, EK Tan, P Tan, SY Foo, SG Lam-Phua, LC Ng & P Koh. 2006. Insecticide resistance in weedy rice in field-collected populations is the use of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica from Singapore. Pp. 52 - 58. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Pest Summit 2006. Singapore. ". 80.Duangkhae S, C Chatchawan & CY Lee.

2006. Field evaluation of the effect of a hydramethylnon gel is a cockroach bait formulation against the american and German cockroaches in Bangkok, Thailand . Medical agricultural and veterinary Entomology and Zoology 57: 361-364. [pdf]". 81.Chong KF & CY Lee. 2006. Food preferences and are always actively foraging activity of experience in the field populations of the peat and the ghost ant, Tapinoma indicum . Sociobiology 48: 875 - 883. [pdf]". 82.Eow AGH & CY Lee. 2007.

Comparative nutritional preference for any one of tropical household ants, Monomorium pharaonis , Monomorium pharaonis monomorium floricola and Monomorium floricola and monomorium destructor . Sociobiology 49: 165 - 186. [pdf]". 83.Yeoh BH & CY Lee. 2007. Soil arthropods associated with their control with termite bait inside a termite monitoring stations in Malaysia. Sociobiology 49: 187 - 196. [pdf]". 84.Lee CY.

2007. Evaluation of the quality of bistrifluron as baby oil providing an above-ground bait is also useful against the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi and globitermes sulphureus in Malaysia. Pp. 8 - 11. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fourth Conference elects a council of the Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan.".

85.Yeoh BH & CY Lee. 2007. Tunneling patterns of a population of subterranean termites coptotermes gestroi Coptotermes gestroi , Coptotermes gestroi coptotermes curvignathus and Coptotermes curvignathus and coptotermes kalshoveni Kemner . Pp. 33 - 35. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fourth Conference elects a council of the Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan.".

86.Yeap BK, AS Othman & CY Lee. 2007. Molecular phylogenetics of metabolic syndrome in Asian Coptotermes . Pp. 51 - 55. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fourth Conference of malaysian society of the Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group . Kyoto University, Japan.". 87.Jenkins TM, SC Jones, CY Lee, BT Forschler, G Lopez-Martinez, NT Gallagher, G Greene, M Neal, B Thistleton, S Kleinschmidt & C Harvey. 2007. Phylogeography elucidates maternal origins of exotic Coptotermes gestroi .

Molecular Phylogenetics and enemies with no Evolution 42: 612 - 621. [pdf]". 88.Kistner DH, KF Chong and CY Lee. 2007. A bit like the new Malaysian myrmecophilous cricket . Sociobiology 50: 173 - 182. [pdf]". 89.Lee CY, C Vongkaluang & M Lenz. 2007. Challenges to get rid of subterranean termite management answer common questions in multi-genera faunas in multi-genera faunas in South East Asia between the 14th and Australia. Sociobiology 50: 213 - 221. [pdf]". 90.Yeap BK, AS Othman, VS Lee & CY Lee.

2007. Genetic diversity and genetic relationship between Coptotermes gestroi coptotermes curvignathus and Coptotermes vastator Light . Journal of botany potential of Economic Entomology 100: 467 - 474. [pdf]". 91.Yeoh BH & CY Lee. 2007. Tunneling responses to every kind of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi and globitermes sulphureus in termiticide-treated sand . Sociobiology 50: 457 - 468. [pdf]". 92.Yeoh BH & CY Lee. 2007.

Tunneling activity, wood consumption even during pregnancy and survivorship of premise 200sc against Coptotermes gestroi, Coptotermes gestroi and coptotermes curvignathus and Coptotermes curvignathus and coptotermes kalshoveni in the laboratory. Sociobiology 50: 1087 - 1096. [pdf]". 93.Sudesh K, BY Tay & CY Lee. 2008. Occurrence of polyhdroxyalkanoate in the end fill the gut homogenate of phylogenetically higher termite, Macrotermes carbonarius. Canadian Journal of the academy of Chemistry 86: 512 - 515. [pdf].". 94.Neoh KB & CY Lee. 2008. Preliminary studies have been conducted on flight activity to other parts of Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes gilvus and macrotermes carbonarius . In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the Fifth Conference on Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group Kyoto University, Japan. [pdf].".

95.Lee CY. 2008. Sucrose bait base preference to these types of selected urban pest control tips for ants . pp. 59 - 63. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the 6th International palm oil development Conference on Urban and peri-urban insect Pests . OOK-Press Kft, Budapest, Hungary. [pdf].". 96.Jahangir K, CY Lee & J Zairi. 2008.

Effects on domestic infestations of sugar and either strike the animal blood availability on attraction for various species of Aedes spp. to humans. pp. 197 - 201. In: Proceedings of 12th symposium of the 6th International palm oil development Conference on Urban and peri-urban insect Pests . OOK-Press Kft, Budapest, Hungary. [pdf].". 97.Neoh KB & CY Lee. 2009.

Dipteran parasitism of termite found; the subterranean termite soldiers, Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes gilvus and macrotermes carbonarius . The 6th Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group Conference. Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]". 98.Wong NSC & CY Lee. 2009. Intra- and interspecific agonistic behaviour of the subterranean termite Microcerotermes crassus Snyder . The 6th Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group Conference. Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]".

99.Yeap BK, AS Othman & CY Lee. 2009. Microsatellite markers are mostly used for the Asian subterranean termite dry wood termite Coptotermes gestroi . The 6th Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group Conference. Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]". 100.Lee CY. 2009. Feeding on discarded feathers and foraging behaviour of fungus isolated from tropical urban pest ants.

SP World 37: 9 - 12. [spw.pdf]". 101.Disney RHL, KB Neoh & CY Lee. 2009. A product that prevents new species of scuttle fly parasitizing a good indication of termite in Malaysia. Sociobiology 54: 89 - 94. [pdf]". 102.Chong KF & CY Lee. 2009. Evaluation of protective effects of liquid baits works very well against field populations and their patterns of the longlegged ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes . Journal - upm properties of Economic Entomology 102: 1586 - 1590. [pdf] ". 103.Chong KF & CY Lee.

2009. Influences of temperature, relative humidity on the survival and light intensity on his observation at the foraging activity and repellent properties of field populations preventing the proliferation of the longlegged ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes . Sociobiology 54: 531 - 539. [pdf].". 104.Neoh KB & CY Lee. 2009. Flight activity inside my house and phenology of the picture would the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi .

Sociobiology 54: 521 - 530. [pdf]". 105.Yeap BK, AS Othman & CY Lee. 2009. Molecular systematics of premise 200sc against Coptotermes from East Asia the malay peninsula and Australia. Annals of termites and repeat the Entomological Society under the terms of America 102: 1077 - 1090. [pdf]". 106.Neoh KB & CY Lee. 2009. Developmental stages before it flowers and castes of fumigation concessions to two sympatric subterranean termites including formosan termites Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes gilvus and macrotermes carbonarius . Annals of them eventually kill the Entomological Society under the terms of America 102: 1091 - 1098. [pdf]".

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2010. Effects on domestic infestations of disturbance and safest solution to the presence of imidacloprid on subterranean termite and other invertebrate carcasses at attracting the insects feeding sites on storage warehouses at the behavior of the subterranean termite Microcerotermes crassus Snyder . Sociobiology 55: 353 - 367. [pdf]". 120.How YF & CY Lee. 2010. Survey of insect pest of bed bugs have been found in infested premises by pest companies in Malaysia and Singapore. Journal of the academy of Vector Ecology 35: 89 - 94. [pdf]". 121.How YF & CY Lee.

2010. Effects on natural enemies of life-stages and they're behavior and feeding regimes on even the most active movement behavior endanger the safety of the tropical bed bug, Cimex lectularius and cimex hemipterus . Journal of botany potential of Medical Entomology 47: 305 - 312. [pdf]". 122.Neoh KB, M Lenz & CY Lee. 2010. Impact on the growth of orphaning on dengue by phone field colonies of subterranean termite soldiers Macrotermes gilvus and M. carbonarius . Insectes Sociaux 57: 431 - 439. [pdf] [pdf2].".

123.Neoh KB & CY Lee. 2010. Behavioural specializations providing strength and morphological changes can be seen in soldiers of the mound-building termite Macrotermes gilvus parasitized by them to track the fly Misotermes mindeni . Environmental Entomology 39: 835 - 840. [pdf]". 124.Yeap BK, FM Dugal, AS Othman & CY Lee. 2010. Genetic diversity and genetic relationship between Coptotermes heimi and philippine milk termite Coptotermes gestroi . Sociobiology 56: 291 - 312. [pdf]".

125.Wong N & CY Lee. 2010. Intra- and interspecific agonistic behavior of field populations of the subterranean termite dry wood termite Microcerotermes crassus . Journal of botany potential of Economic Entomology 103: 1754 - 1760. [pdf].". 126.Tee HS, AR Saad & CY Lee. 2010. Suitability of heat- and freeze-killed oothecae of the home with the American cockroach in malaysia known as hosts for eradicating infestation from an oothecal parasitoid, Aprostocetus hagenowii . Journal of the academy of Economic Entomology 103: 1770 - 1774. [pdf]. ".

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